Monday, 29 June 2009

Being Mommy....

"But Mommy!!! When you were a little baby.. you also lost your hairband!!!"

This was my 3 year old's answer when I scolded her today about losing her hairband at school on Friday. I blinked twice with my jaws very dangerously hanging near the floor... Was S really just 3??? Oh ok... she is close to 4 ... but sometimes I feel she is close to 30... and then it continued...

"... I will ask Mamma... "

Oh !!! there comes the emotional blackmail again... I think my entire life I am always at the receiving end of such emotional blackmail...

Well, with all due respect I have to admit that S has a point... I did lose quite a lot of things, not just my hairband, when I was a young girl... But that doesn't make it acceptable, does it?
Thankfully, one look at the clock prevented me from replying back to her... But it has really got me thinking about the politically correct answer to her innocent question... Should I have replied that I never lost anything and took care of my things?? This would have been a blatant lie since even to date I can manage to be quite clumsy and lose stuff... This would look like it was ok to lie just because you are an adult and should live life by the rules... Or should I have told her the truth that yes, Mommy lost her hairbands (and various other things) when in school... This would highlight that it doesn't matter what mistake u commit as long as you are brave enough to accept it. On the other hand, is it also demonstrating that its ok to be careless???

Each day is such a challenge teaching the rights and wrongs of life to little S when have I really learnt all the things myself yet?? I was so baffled with this, I had to make a SOS call to my mentor - who other than my mom and S's Mamma... Ma always had the right answer.. but doesn't she always ... so the verdict... ??? .. Chill .. she is just 3 ... and get back to work !!! ha, i knew Ma can always turn my problems to petty hiccups... :) .

Tuesday, 24 March 2009


.... well, I also call it "laziness". My 6 months haitus from this blog wasn't due to any important, pressing issues but was due to my laziness. It is always so easy to slip into the role of the silent blog-hopper.

Hopefully, this entry will break the idleness and I will be try updating my blog more frequently. Afterall, I created this blog solely as my personal space in blogosphere where I can jot down my experiences as I go through life...