Monday, 6 October 2008

This is indeed how it happened…

"....God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference...."

These words are resonating in my head since I read it in the novel I am currently reading… It is quite a hilarious book by Jo Barrett and is titled This is how it happened. The story is narrated in first person and the protagonist is an average Jane – horizontally challenged, overweight woman in her 30’s. She is exceptionally talented but her biggest flaw is that she trusts the man she loves even when the alarm bells rang loud and clear… And in the end finds herself without a partner as well as the one dream she lived for – her business… And then she starts devising ways and means of getting even with her ex from rat poison to arsenic only to realise that the only “poison” that would surely “kill” him would be to aim for his ego… and she ultimately wins back what is rightfully hers…

This book although just a work of friction has really touched a nerve… In the entire book the protagonist has been portrayed as a very normal real life character who has her share of jealousy, envy and anger… I must say it’s a must read ….

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